
OneEightZero° Super Tuesday

OneEightZero° Super Tuesday

The war in Ukraine affects the professional future of many pilots and flight attendants - especially in corporate aviation. From one day to the next, many former colleagues and friends - in a very special segment - find themselves without a job.

Our "One Eight Zero®-Super Tuesday" on May 10 will therefore focus on this affected professional group.

We will network our participants, discuss together how to use the time of uncertainty productively for oneself, and offer the possibility of an open exchange.

The keynote speaker for the evening will be Capt. Andreas Wieser, an active G650 pilot who knows the industry like no other. As a former training manager and flight operations manager for companies such as Jetalliance, Avconjet and Qatar Executive, he also knows the "other side" and has successfully built up several professional pillars for himself in recent years.